Terms and conditions


Roots and Feathers Booking Terms and Conditions.


Your contract incorporates these Booking Conditions and by making a booking with us you confirm your acceptance of these Booking Conditions.


1.      Booking


(a)    Your booking is not considered definite and no contract will exist until we receive a deposit of £250. By booking a retreat with us you are accepting these terms and conditions.

(b)   We do not share customer details with any third parties.


2.      Payment


(a)    The price is the exact amount to be received in full by us in GBP.

(b)   The full payment amount is due 30 days or more before the first day of the retreat and can be paid by bank transfer to the account specified in your original confirmation email sent out at the time of booking.


3.      Your travel arrangements


(a)    We are not responsible for how you arrive at the starting point or trip location. We will provide information regarding how to get there, however it is your responsibility to research and make your own travel arrangements at your own cost. We shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from delays or cancellations in any of the companies you may have made arrangements with, or for any irregularities in your documentation required for travel.


4.      Travel insurance


(a)    You must take out suitable insurance for all your needs before you travel. We cannot be held responsible for any costs you may incur as a result of failing to do so. Please ensure that your travel insurance covers the activities of this retreat as well as unexpected cancellation, sickness, losses and all other risks associated with travelling and taking part in the retreat.

(b)   Taking part in activities, adventure sports, carries a high risk of damage and personal injury. We do not accept or assume any responsibility or liability for accidents, injuries or even death occurred while taking part in any trip. If you take part in activities whilst on holiday that have been organised and arranged independently of us, participation is at your own risk and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained the relevant insurance.


5.      Your health


(a)    It is your responsibility to let your Yoga teacher know if you have any injuries and to be mindful at all times of your own body’s capabilities during the retreat. If you experience any injury or discomfort during any activity during the retreat, then you must desist immediately.

(b)   It is also your responsibility to consult a doctor with an understanding of yoga to check that you are sufficiently fit and healthy to undertake yoga classes and other physical activities that you may choose to do whilst on the retreat.

(c)    Please advise us of any mental or physical health conditions, allergies and dietary requirements before you book. If you do not give us full details of your medical problems or disability we can also cancel the booking when we find out full details if in our reasonable opinion, the holiday arrangements are not suitable or you are not travelling with someone who can provide the assistance reasonably required.

(d)   Whilst all measures are taken to ensure a high standard of health and safety, we are situated in the countryside where the land is uneven and we shall not be responsible for any injuries caused by uneven terrain.

(e)   We shall not be held responsible for any injuries sustained during our yoga sessions or other retreat activities.

(f)     At this time we cannot accept pregnant women on retreat with us.


6.      Coronavirus


(a)    You acknowledge that you are choosing to travel at a time where you may be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your safety and may require you to follow additional safety protocols on the retreat. It is your own responsibility to acquaint yourself with all relevant travel information, including applicable health risks, and the nature of your itinerary. You acknowledge that your decision to travel is made in light of consideration of this information and you accept that you are aware of the personal risks associated with such travel. We accept no liability in relation to these additional risks. We accept no liability for any guests contracting the COVID-19 virus and cannot be held liable.

(b)   By booking a retreat with us you acknowledge and understand that over the coming months there is the risk of further government travel restrictions due to COVID-19.

(c)    Where you choose to book a retreat with us, you agree and acknowledge that there is an increased risk of you being unable to attend the retreat on that date due to ongoing or new travel restrictions from the government due to COVID-19. In these circumstances, you must obtain travel insurance to protect you from any risk that you cannot travel on the original date booked.

(d)   If new travel restrictions are put in place by the UK government and we have to cancel your retreat, we will refund you in full within 14 days of the restrictions being put in place.

(e)   If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 before you are due to travel to the retreat, it is your responsibility to follow guidelines. If you cannot travel to the retreat because you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and need to self-isolate, inform us as soon as possible.


7.      Cancellation by you


(a)    You (or any member of your party) may cancel your booking at any time, providing that the cancellation is made by the person submitting the booking form and is notified to us in writing. Cancellation will take effect the day such notification is received by us. If such cancellation is made within less than 60 days before the start of the retreat, we will retain the deposit of the retreat. If cancellation is made within 14 days of the start of the retreat we will retain the full amount paid by you.

(b)   Bookings are for the stated period of the retreat. There are no refunds for an unused portion of the retreat. If the reason for cancellation is covered under the terms of your Insurance Policy, you may be able to make a claim on your own insurance.


8.      Amendments by us


(a)    Occasionally, changes may have to be made, which we reserve the right to do at any time. If your accommodation has to be changed, we will do our utmost to provide accommodation of a similar standard.


9.      Cancellation by us


We reserve the right in any circumstances to cancel a retreat. In particular our retreats require a minimum number of at least 50% of the participants to have booked by 30 days before the start date. If this minimum number is not reached by that date we may cancel and refund the money to you.


10.  Our liability to you.


(a)    We accept responsibility for ensuring that the retreats are supplied as described and that the services we are contractually obliged to provide are to a reasonable standard.

(b)   We do not accept any liability for cancellations, delays or changes caused by war, threat of war, terrorist actions or threats, closure of airports, civil strife, industrial action, natural disaster, technical problems to transport, staff cancellations, unforeseen changes in your personal circumstances or other events beyond our control.

(c)    We are not liable for any injuries you may incur. Yoga classes, swims, paddleboarding and other activities are undertaken at your own risk. We are not liable for any medical or psychiatric conditions, which may develop during or subsequent to the retreat. We are not liable for loss of, or damage to your personal property.


11.  Group bookings


(a)    Where a booking is made on behalf of several individuals the booking is conditional on the person(s) paying having authorization from all the individuals named on the booking form to enter into this contract. The terms of this contract will apply to each member of the group as though they had paid for their own retreat individually and directly to us.


12.  No liability for possessions


It is your responsibility to ensure that your possessions are kept safe at all times. This includes hire cars or other hired equipment. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings during the retreat.


13.  Privacy policy


      We do not share customer details with any third parties. Any personal information that you provide to us will be used only for the service you requested. This information is used only for administration of the site system and in the compilation of statistics used by us to assess the use of the site. This privacy policy does not cover the links within this site linking to other sites.


14.  Special Requests


         Special requests must be made at the time of booking. We cannot guarantee that the request will be met and any failure to do so will not be a breach of contract on our part, or the supplier. We are unable to accept bookings which are conditional upon a special request being met and these will be treated by us as standard booking.


15.  Your responsibilities and behaviour whilst on the retreat


(a)    As part of your booking with us, you are accepting liability for any loss or damage caused by you or any member of your party during the course of your holiday. Payment for any loss or damage must be made to us or our supplier at the time that it occurs or as soon as is reasonably practicable thereafter.

(b)   You are also responsible for the behaviour of yourself and other members of your party. We can refuse to accept you as a customer or refuse to continue dealing with you and/or any other member of your party by terminating your holiday arrangements if yours or their behaviour is disruptive, upsetting or dangerous to yourself or anyone else, or if you or any member of your party have caused or are likely to cause damage to property. In these circumstances, we will not pay any refund, compensation or other sum whatsoever or any costs or expenses incurred by you if we have to terminate your travel arrangements due to such unacceptable behaviour.

(c)    We cannot be held responsible for the actions or behaviour of other guests on the trip.


16.  Excursions, workshops and activities


(a)    Excursions, tours or other activities that you book or pay for whilst on your trip do not form part of the trip provided by us. Your contract will be with the operator or provider of that excursion, workshop or activity and not with us. We do not accept any liability in relation to any such excursion, tour or activity and these Booking Conditions do not apply to them.

17.  Data protection


Information about you or members of your party, including your names, contact details and any special needs, disabilities, dietary requirements collected by us when you request information or make a booking with us. We may disclose this information to our service for the purpose of providing you with your holiday arrangements. Only information necessary for this purpose will be disclosed to them. On occasions, it may be mandatory for us to disclose information for security and terrorism purposes and any other purpose imposed upon us by governments or other regulatory authorities. By making a booking with us, you agree to allow your insurers, their agents and medical staff to disclose relevant information to us in circumstances where we may need to act in the interest of everyone in the group with whom you are travelling.


18.  Refunds


If refunds are due, we reserve the right to charge a 1.5% for UK cards or 2.9% on International cards to cover the fees involved reversing the payment.


19.  Law and jurisdiction


These booking Terms and Conditions are governed by English Law with any action arising out of it being subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.